Solo Stradivari Violin, Solo Gagliano Violin, Solo Guarneri Violin, 9 Violins for Ensembles, 1st Violin Section (12 Players), 2nd Violin Section (10 Players) Nine violin solo techniques, Five viola solo techniques, Six cello solo techniques, Four bass solo techniques Two soprano articulations, Soprano solo with and without vibrato, Two alto articulations, Two tenor articulations, Two bass articulations, Three boys choir articulations, Three children’s choir articulations, Full choirīasic orchestra percussion, Bass drum, Cymbals, Orchestral quad toms, Percussion accessories, Snares, Wind machineĬrotales, Glockenspiel, Handbells, Two marimbas, Three timpani, Tubular bells, Two vibraphones, Xylophone Two chromatic harps, Concert grand harp, Two glissando harps, Two harp harmonics, Two pedal mode glissando harps Three first French horn players, First French horn solo, Three-second French horn players, Second French horn solo, Three French horn overlays, Solo and three French horn players with mute, Three SAM French horn players, SAM French horn section, SAM French horn soloĬontratuba solo, SAM tuba solo, First tuba solo, Second tuba solo, Two tuba overlaysĬelesta, Two Concert D grand pianos, Two Studio B grand pianos, Two glass armonicas, Harpsichord, Five pipe organ mixes and combinations, Nine individual pipe organ stops, Custom pipe organ console with 74 individual stops Solo piccolo trumpet, Three first trumpet players, First trumpet solo, Three-second trumpet players, Second trumpet solo, Solo and three trumpet players with straight mute, Two trumpet overlays, Three SAM trumpet players, SAM trumpet section, SAM trumpet solo, SAM solo piccolo trumpetįirst bass trombone solo, Second bass trombone solo, SAM bass trombone solo, Three SAM trombone players, SAM trombone section, SAM trombone solo, Two trombone overlays, Three trombone players, Trombone solo, Solo and three trombone players with mute
GPO 5 is more than five times larger than its predecessor.
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Play divisi and separate lines for each instrument be free from fixed-size section samples.
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Also included are a wide variety of instrument-specific articulations and techniques, performance spaces and reverbs, and instrument body resonances, all engineered to provide incredible realism and authenticity to your music. Version 5 is a major new update, now with more than 500 instruments to choose from. Garritan Personal Orchestra gives you a complete orchestra - strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion, keyboards and more.