Test Your Code! See in my example below where I change the Print Areas to demonstrate this Macro. Sounds perfect for what we want, doesn’t it? This Includes all cells that are in between. The Used Range property represents the upper left and lowest right cells that are used in a worksheet. This is ideal as this can vary from time to time. This returns a range object which is representing the rea of the worksheet that is being used. This is where we set the Print Area as being the UsedRange.

We use the PageSetup.PrintArea Property which sets or returns the Print Area to be printed.

Select the Worksheet Object and the Change event from the Event drop-down list. Double click on the Worksheet where you want to set your Print Area.
#How to change print area in excel template how to
If you want to know how to enable the developer tab then you can check out my YouTube Video below for some simple Instructions. Activate the Visual Basic Editor By hitting ALT+F11 shortcut of you can go to the Developer Tab | Visual Basic to open the Visual Basic Explorer Window.
#How to change print area in excel template code
By combining it with the UsedRange property and storing the code in the worksheet’s Change Event it becomes dynamic as it triggered anytime there is a change in the Excel worksheet. We use the PrintArea property to determine the range of cells to be included when printing the Excel worksheet. This macro will automatically print the used or active range of cell in your worksheet How Does The Macro Work?. To set the print range to your selected range, click on the Print dropdown that says Current Sheet and. The print settings will open, showing a view of your document with a settings panel beside it. In the new sheet, press Ctrl + P to print all the copied print areas. In your spreadsheet, select the range you want to print, then click on the printer icon in the toolbar to open the print settings: Step 2. The Start Date that you choose determines the first week in the. The number of weeks shown in the gantt chart is limited by the maximum number of columns available in Excel.

Repeat steps 1 and 2 for other print areas. Instructions to help you in using Work Breakdown Structure Template: Modify the GREEN cells and the WBS, Tasks, and Task Lead columns. On a new sheet, right click any blank cell and choose Paste Special > Linked Picture. Often an Excel model needs a dynamic print area, as data that we wish to print may change over time. Select the first print area and press Ctrl + C to copy it. So, if you have a variable report or data set you to need to print, this little macro will automatically create a dynamic Print area for you with no hard work at all. The following Excel Factor entry was sent in by Daniel Ferry, founder of Excel enthusiast blog, Excel Hero. That’s right, set up this piece of VBA code in your Excel workbook and your print area with change as your active area in your worksheet changes. I have a really nice little bit of VBA code for you today which allow you to set your Print area in your Excel worksheet to become dynamic. Hello Excellers, welcome to another #macromondays blog post.